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The Benefits of Invisalign



Invisalign consists of a series of aligners which are changed approximately very two weeks. Your individual aligners are custom made using exact scientific calculations that work gradually to shift your teeth into proper alignment. Your treatment with invisalign will be carefully planned with your dentist/orthodontist to ensure that, in the end, you have the beautiful smile you’ve always dreamed of. Although conventional braces may give you the same result, there are several benefits to the invisalign system of teeth straightening that regular braces just can’t provide. Let’s examine some of the benefits of this exciting technology.

Invisalign is customized- Your invisalign aligners are custom made for you. As your mouth changes as a result of wearing your aligners, impressions will be periodically made to prepare for your next set of aligners. Invisalign changes with you, and changing out your aligners is simple- not like traditional braces which require regular, sometimes uncomfortable, adjustments.
Invisalign is removable- Traditional braces must be worn all the time, while invisalign aligners can be removed so that you can brush your teeth, eat what you want, and drink what you want. You can even remove your aligners for special occasions, such as family pictures. With traditional braces, demineralization and tooth decay occur frequently due to the fact that traditional braces cannot be removed, making cleaning difficult. With invisalign, maintaining good oral hygiene is a breeze. Want to eat whatever you want, when you want it? Invisalign gives you the option of eating without getting food caught in your braces.

Invisalign is comfortable- With invisalign, the edges of your aligners will be soft. Traditional braces made of metal can irritate your tongue, inner cheeks and tender gums. You’ll be surprised by the comfort of invisalign- you’ll hardly notice that there is anything in your mouth!
Invisalign is clear- With invisalign, no one except the most astute observer will know that you are wearing your aligners. Aligners are clear and virtually invisible. Teens and adults will appreciate the fact that invisalign is “barely there”. Many people avoid getting braces because they do not want people to know they have braces- invisalign is the clear answer to the problem of discreetness in teeth straightening.

Invisalign is advanced- Computerized projections of your new smile can be made, allowing you to see what your new smile will look like. You will also be able to determine before treatment begins how long treatment will last. This can help you make an accurate and informed decision before beginning treatment.

Invisalign is effective- Even before you have finished treatment, you will begin to notice an improvement in your smile. In addition, at the same time you are enjoying the beauty of your new and improved smile, you will notice a difference in your bite.

Drs. Jamie and Jason Sands of Smiles By Sands are experienced in the invisalign system of teeth straightening. Feeling unsure about whether invisalign is right for you? No problem- we understand. Feel free to book a free consultation to allow us to explain the system to you and help you make the right decision for your needs. Concerned about cost? Also not an issue: at Smiles By Sands we believe that everyone is entitled to and deserves a beautiful smile. That’s why we offer several financing options to suit almost any budget. Contact us today, and begin your journey to the smile you’ve always dreamed of.

What You Need to Know About Porcelain Veneers



Are you unhappy with your smile? If you have been thinking about cosmetic dentistry to improve the appearance of your teeth, porcelain veneers may be one option to achieve a beautiful smile.

What are porcelain veneers?

Porcelain veneers are made of a translucent, glass-like ceramic material that can be made to closely resemble your natural tooth color. They are often used to cover small defects in teeth, such as cracks, chips or uneven lengths of teeth. They are also used to brighten your smile, returning them to their natural luster. Porcelain veneers are custom made by dentists who specialize in this procedure, and are fitted specifically to your teeth.

What are the steps involved?

Your natural teeth must be prepared before porcelain veneers can be fitted. This involves shaping of your natural teeth so that they will be able to accommodate the veneers. Once this has been done, you will be fitted for temporary veneers, which will be worn while your permanent veneers are being created in the laboratory. But don’t worry! Your temporary veneers will look great. When your permanent porcelain veneers are ready, they will be fitted. The end result will be strong and beautiful teeth that should last for many years to come, if not forever.

How many visits will it take?

Your porcelain veneers could be done is as little as 2 visits. First, your teeth will need to be prepared. Your temporary veneers will need to be fitted, and then there will be a short waiting period before your permanent veneers are ready. Custom creation takes time, but in the meantime, you can rest assured that your temporary veneers will be as beautiful as your permanent ones will be.

Do I have to be careful eating with veneers?

You will be able to eat normally with your new porcelain veneers. You will be happy to know that there are no restrictions with porcelain veneers. Of course, you will still need to visit your dentist regularly to maintain the health of your teeth and gums.

Who can fit porcelain veneers?

The creation and fitting of porcelain veneers takes a lot of skill and training. Ideally, you should choose a dentist who is very experienced in working with veneers. It is a good idea to ask to see some examples of work that the dentist has done in this area. This can be in the form of before and after pictures. Ask if the dentist has any testimonials provided by satisfied customers.

Are porcelain veneers expensive?

Porcelain veneers may be less expensive than other cosmetic dentistry options. Cost will depend on the amount of work to be done. It’s difficult to put a price on a beautiful smile. Most people who have porcelain veneers are very satisfied and believe that the boost to their self-confidence is well worth the cost. Many dentists have different financing options that can be explored should you decide to go ahead with the procedure.

Smiles By Sands is committed to helping their clients achieve the smile they have always dreamed of. Part of their philosophy is that no one should ever have to live with a smile they are unhappy with due to concern about the cost of treatment. Smiles By Sands works hand in hand with their clients to determine an affordable treatment plan. If you are interested in exploring porcelain veneers as an option to improve your smile, contact their office for your initial consultation.

Source: Los Angeles Cosmetic Dentists

Family Cosmetic Dentistry: Keep Your Loved Ones Smiling



Are you a parent? Chances are you have a family doctor or pediatrician you trust to treat your children when they get sick. However, you may not have picked out a family cosmetic dentistry specialist to care for your kids’ oral hygiene and dental needs. This is actually an important decision. The tooth care habits that your little ones develop early on are likely to stay with them for the rest of their lives. In addition, many of the dental issues that arise are easiest to treat in childhood before the damage becomes severe. For example, if teeth are misaligned or wisdom teeth are causing crowding this can lead to the development of cavities and gingivitis. That’s because crooked teeth are harder to keep clean - even if you teach your kids good brushing and flossing practices.

The benefits of having a dedicated family cosmetic dentistry expert provide care for your kids starting early on is that they can track changes that occur over time. Staying on top of a misaligned bite and correcting it as soon as possible can mean the difference between an easily corrected speech impediment and one that is persistent. A retainer or braces may be recommended to fix crooked or misaligned teeth and ensure that your child grows up with a smile they can feel comfortable showing to everyone. Fortunately, modern braces are much more comfortable than old fashioned ones (and a lot less ugly). So, you can look forward to less resistance from your kids when you take them in for this type of corrective cosmetic treatment.

The family cosmetic dentistry experts at Smiles by Sands know that good oral hygiene starts in infancy. They offer helpful advice for how to wash your baby’s gums and instructions for gently cleaning those first tiny teeth with water and a soft bristle brush. You can even bring your babies in to get them used to the atmosphere of the dentist office prior to their first real dental treatment at the age of 3. This is a great opportunity to learn all about child-safe toothpastes and proper brushing techniques. You might even learn a thing or two that will help you keep your own teeth and gums in better health. In fact, parent/child dental appointments are an option lots of patients select to get the dental needs of their whole family met in one appointment.
If you are interested in saving money, taking your kids to your family cosmetic dentistry office on a regular basis is a sound investment. You can access tooth decay prevention services such as dental sealants. This protective coating is applied to the chewing surfaces of the molars (where cavities often start). Having each permanent molar sealed as it comes in - before it has a chance to decay - can save you a pretty penny. Since the sealing process is quick and painless, it’s an obvious choice for many parents. Preventing cavities keeps your kids from having to experience the pain that comes with drilling and fillings. For more information on keeping your family’s teeth in great shape, get in touch with Smiles by Sands.

Dental Implant Surgery Basics - Article By



Dental implant surgery is a procedure that replaces a broken or missing tooth with a realistic prosthetic. The process begins with a complete visual and x-ray evaluation of the area in your jaw where the dental implant will be placed. If there are any fragments of the original problem tooth still in the socket, these are removed. Next, a small titanium cylinder is inserted deep into the bone of the jaw. This customized component acts as an artificial root. As the bone that has been drilled out to permit the placement of this post grows back, it grips the new root firmly. The healing process can sometimes take several months. However, a temporary denture may be supplied so you don’t have to walk around with a gap in your smile. After the root is firmly anchored in the jaw, the next piece of the implant is added. This is called the abutment. It is fixed to the post and serves as the surface to which your new crown will be attached. The final, visible part of the dental implant (that you would think of as the actual “tooth”) is added last. This crown is permanently cemented or screwed to the abutment.

There are several benefits of permanent dental implant surgery compared to other, temporary solutions such as traditional bridges or dentures. Since implants function like a real tooth, no maintenance is required other than regular brushing/flossing and your usual dentist checkups. You don’t have to glue the crown in place each day. An implanted tooth won’t slip around or make noise in your mouth like dentures often do. Plus an implant won’t cause damage to the surrounding teeth, gum, or bone in your jaw (something that can happen with a poorly fitted, old fashioned bridge). Your implant isn’t dependent on the teeth on either side for support. In fact, an implant can sometimes be used to provide an anchor for more than just a single crown. In some cases, a bridge can actually be attached to dental implant posts. Two or more implants can also serve as a firm foundation for dentures.

The dentistry professionals at Smiles by Sands specialize in advanced cosmetic procedures such as dental implant surgery. Dr. Jamie Sands, Dr. Jason Sands and their highly trained staff know that you need a permanent solution for damaged or missing teeth. Achieving results with implants that precisely match your natural teeth - both in shape and in color - ensures that your smile looks bright without looking artificial.

Filling in gaps in the jaw bone with custom implants helps prevent the teeth on either side from drifting out of alignment. It also promotes better gum health. So, this is a surgical procedure that can actually help save the rest of your teeth. However, if you do lose an adjacent tooth in the future due to decay or other damage, the existing implant won’t generally be affected. Best of all, with implanted teeth eating even crunchy or chewy foods will feel completely natural. You won’t have to worry about losing a crown when you consume an occasional piece of toffee. Just be sure to brush your teeth after you indulge! Get started in your search for a beautiful, healthy smile at Smiles by Sands(

Source: dental Implant Surgery

All About Porcelain Veneers



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